Thursday, December 2, 2010

Kris-Birmingham AL military photography

I have struggled with what to write about Kris for several days. Every time I think about posting her photos on my blog I get butterflies in my stomach and sweaty palms thinking "OH MY GOSH WHAT DO I WRITE?" and I know that regardless of what I write I will have tears streaming down my face while I do it.

I have more emotions tied up in this one session that I probably ever have. Kris is the daughter of someone who has recently become one of my dearest and closest friends. Someone who is one of the strongest women I've ever met. Someone that I hold the utmost respect for. Someone that I admire for where she's been and where she is now and how she handled the journey along the way. Someone who I think I could depend on--anytime, anywhere, no matter what. The kind of dependance you only reserve for your mom, close family, or spouse. She is more than I can possibly put into words. She is amazing. She has raised some of the most beautiful, mature, precious children that I've ever met. And now, she's raised the most incredible kind of child I can think of and she's making the ultimate sacrifice. She's raised a soldier.

Kris came home on leave last week before she headed out to where she will be stationed for the next three years, three thousand miles away. I couldn't wait to get this beautiful young lady in front of my camera. Excited doesn't describe it. And amazing doesn't describe their relationship.

I absolutely LOVE this family. I hope I can be half the mom that Kris' is. I hope you will join me in keeping Kris, her family, and this incredible journey they are about to embark on in your prayers.

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